Guided meditations to fit in your life

Strong Back Meditation
Practice how it feels to stand with a strong back, so you can soften your front.
What Matters Meditation
Reflect on what really matters in your life, how would you live your last year?
Grounding & Letting Go
Practice using grounding as a way to help you let go.
What is Happening Inside of You
Scan your body to see what is happening. What sensations are your feeling? Is there tension or pain? How does it feel to turn toward the discomfort.
Mindful Middle: Relaxed and Alert
Bring yourself to the present moment and explore the balance between being alert and relaxed.
Affectionate Breathing
Affectionately paying attention to pleasant, unpleasant and neutral sensations.
Hearts and Minds
Bringing your heart and your mind to your meditation.
Feeling Worthy
Take some time to listen to the whispers of your inner nurturer.
Exploring Your Meditation Attitude
See if you can be gentle and curious during your meditation instead of judgmental.
Opening to Gratitude
Practice opening in gratitude for the miracle of your body.
Affectionate Breathing
Notice what you are feeling and soften your heart towards discomfort.
Noticing Meditation
Ground yourself by noticing the different sensations is your body. Practice changing the focus of your attention.
Positive Thoughts Meditation
Practice letting your inner nurturer talk to you in a positive way.
What Do You Feel Meditation
Focusing in on the sensations you feel in your body to bring you into the present moment.
Distancing Yourself from Your Thoughts Meditation
Notice how changing what you are saying to yourself allows to to let go of clinging to a thought as your identity.
Grounding Your Awareness
Ues this meditation to practice grounding yourself in awareness of the here and now.
Grounding Breath Meditation
Practice using your breath to bring you into the present moment.
Be Here Now
Use this meditation to ground yourself in the present moment.
I’m OK Right Now
Noticing the feeling on contentment when you simply rest in the present moment.
Breathing in the Present Moment
Feeling your breath to bring you back to the present moment.
Grounding with Gratitude
Get a taste of feeling gratitude by paying attention to things you normally take for granted.
Clenching and Relaxing Sesations Meditation
Paying attention to the sensations of your body when you tense and contract and when you relax.
A Meditation to Savor Meditating
If you want to meditate more regularly, pay attention to the benefits of meditation. In this meditation enjoy the feeling of just being in your body breathing.
Strength & Energy Meditation
Using the strength and energy of being in the present moment to relax our thoughts and calm our mind.
Grounding Meditation
Meditation to bring your mind and your body into the present moment.
Authentic Self Affirmations
Strengthen your resolve to live your authentic self with these affirmations.
Sensations Obstacles Create
Feel the sensations in your body that obstacles such as desire/craving, aversion/anger, restlessness/worry, sloth/torpor, doubt, and delusion create.
What Matters
Reflect on what matters.
Feeling the Beginning of the In Breath
Feeling the beginning of the in breath, deep in your belly.
Grounding Meditation
Bringing yourself into the present moment.
Awareness of the Present Moment
Practice being aware of what is happening in the present moment and how it changes.
Five Senses
Practice being aware of your five senses.
Practicing Equanimity
Learning to accept what is.
Marinate in a feeling of warm-heartedness and well-being.
Self Compassion Meditation
In this practice you will bring to mind a difficult situation and practice giving yourself self compassion.
Basic Breath Meditation
Practice being aware of your breath, your bodily sensations and when you are lost in thought.
Anxiety Meditation
A technique for learning to work with your anxiety.
Calming Breath Meditation
Three methods of breathing to calm your stress.
Head Scan
This meditation is for people with pain in their body. We will train our brains to notice the sensations in our head and to soften as needed.
Meditation and Distractions
It is unrealistic to think that your mind will not wander when you are meditating. Many distractions will arise during your meditation. Simply shepard your attention back to your breath again and again.
Breath Meditation for Busy Minds
Sometimes we need words to help us pay attention to our breath. This meditation uses a short poem to help us stay present. The shortened version is: In, Out, Deep, Slow, Calm, Ease, Smile, Release, Present Moment, Wonderful Moment. Use this meditation when your mind just doesn’t want to settle.
Easing Tension Meditation
We often carry a lot of tension in our shoulders, jaws, forehead and hands. In this meditation we will focus on letting those tensions dissolve.
Thought Meditation
Anything that takes our attention from the present moment is a thought. In this brief meditation, we will watch our thoughts come and go.
Short Grounding Meditation
Grounding meditation is a short mindfulness practice that helps to bring us here, into our body, in this moment.
Morning Meditation
Try this morning meditation instead of hitting the snooze button. You don’t even have to get out of bed for it.
Grounding Meditation
Grounding meditation is a short mindfulness practice that helps to bring us here, into our body, in this moment.
Accepting What is
One of the purposes of meditation is to train our brains to accept what is instead of clinging to the pleasant or pushing away the unpleasant. In this meditation we will practice being non-judgmental.
Mindfulness of Sound
Sound is a useful object of meditation, as we hear only the sounds of the moment. We don’t hear the sounds of the past or the future.