Mindfulness talks on topics from meditating to kindness, to compassion, to working with thoughts and emotions.

Staying the Course: Transforming Your Mental Chatter Read Post
Staying the Course: Changing Unproductive Habitual Tendencies Read Post
Digging for Your Authentic Self: Seeing Your Obstacles Read Post
Digging for Your Authentic Self: Charting Your North Star Read Post
Digging for Your Authentic Self: What’s Important Read Post
Who Were You Before the World Got Its Hands on You Read Post
Cultivating Equanimity Read Post
You Can Deal with Hard Things Using RAIN Read Post
Letting Go of Stories Part 2 Read Post
Letting Go of Stories Part 1 Read Post
Meditation Basics Read Post
Becoming the Best Version of You Read Post
My Path to Self Love Read Post
Strengthening Your Character with Gratitude Read Post
Being OK with Not Being OK Read Post
Decalcifying Longheld Beliefs Read Post
Untangling Your Knots with RAIN Read Post
Resilience: Tending Inner Disturbances Read Post
Practicing with Little Griefs Read Post
Letting In Love and Kindness Read Post
When There Are Clouds in the Sky Read Post
Limiting Beliefs: The Bars on Your Invisible Cage Read Post
Turning Up the Volume of Your Inner Nurturer Read Post
Stoking the Flames of Kindness Read Post
The Cozy Blanket of Self-Compassion Read Post
The Truths Our Body Tells Us Read Post
Is Your Brain Lying to You? Read Post
Beginning (Again and Again) Read Post
Replace Your Shadow Comforts with Joy Snacks Read Post
Exploring Our Shadow Comforts Read Post
Vulnerability: The Foundation for Self-Compassion and Loving Kindness Read Post

Worksheets you may want to download before listening: Self-Compassion Questionnaire, Self-Compassion in Daily Life

Cultivating Happiness Read Post
Overcoming Fear: The Courage to Be Vulnerable Read Post
Gratitude: Your Path to Joy Read Post
Supercharge with Self-Compassion Read Post
Finding Your Battery Chargers Read Post
Recharging Yourself Read Post
The Hot Air Balloon of Life Read Post
Shining the Light of Awareness Read Post
Getting Unstuck: From Rumination to Investigation Read Post
Cultivating Loving Kindness Read Post
Equanimity: Staying Engaged Withought Beling Overwhelmed Read Post
Willingness to Be with What Is Read Post
Resourcing Ourselves Read Post
Our Storytelling Minds Read Post
Being Right Where You Are Read Post
The Gift of Gratitude Read Post
Treating Your Inner Critic Like a Bad Habit Read Post
Anxiety and Other Habits Read Post
Transforming Your Negative Chatter Read Post
Boundaries: Owning, Implementing and Sabotaging Read Post
Boundaries: What I Might Need Read Post

For this talk it will be helpful to reference the What I Might Need list.

Boundaries: The Basics Read Post
Self-care is Not Selfish Read Post, Read Happiness Hacks
Mastering Our Minds Read Post
Digging to Your Authentic Self: 5. Navigating Obstacles Read Post
Digging to Your Authentic Self: 4. Seeing Obstacles Read Post
Digging to Your Authentic Self: 3. Mapping Your Route Read Post
Digging to Your Authentic Self: 2. Charting Your North Star Read Post
Digging to Your Authentic Self: 1. What’s Important Read Post
Living Fully Mindfully Read Post
Being the Author of Your Life Read Post
Connect, Don’t Divide: You Can Do It Read Post
Making Gratitude Your Attitude Read Post
Pleasant, Unpleasant or Neutral Read Post
When There Are Clouds in the Sky, You’ll Get By Read Post
Expanding Your Window of Tolerance Read Post
Which Prodigal Child Are You? Read Post
Well-Wishing: Your Path to Happiness Read Post
Being More or Less Mindful Read Post
Anxiety Can Energize and Focus Us Read Post
Getting Unstuck: Moving from Rumination to Investigation Read Post
Being OK with Not Being OK Read Post
Resilience: Bouncing Back Read Post
What’s Your Inner Critic’s Verdict? Read Post
Cultivating Happiness Read Post
Bringing Mindfulness Into Your Everyday Life Read Post
Thinking So Much ’til You’re Losing Your Mind Read Post
RAINing on Your Anxiety Read Post
The Hot Air Balloon of Live Read Post
Thoughts: Why We Practice Mindfulness Read Post
Mindfulness of Habit Read Post
Mindfulness: Shining the Light of Awareness Read Post
Mindful Stress Read Post
My Mindfulness Journey on the Eightfold Path Read Post
Building Your Gratitude Muscle Read Post
Releasing Your Inner Critic’s Grip on You Read Post
Unconscious Roles in the Drama of Life Read Post
Roles & Identities: Remembering Who You Were Before the World Got its Hands on You Read Post
Untangle Your Emotional Knots Read Post
Build Your Resilience with Self-Compassion Read Post
Weather Life’s Ups and Downs with Self-Kindness Read Post

Perceptions or Reality Read Post

Setting Healthy Boundaries Read Post

Nourishing Love Read Post

Practices to Keep Fear from Controlling Our Lives Read post

Live with an Undefended Heart Read post

Difficult People: An Invitation to Practice Mindfulness Read post 

Quieting Your Inner Critic Read post

Feeding Craving: Doesn’t Nourish Your Hungry Ghosts Read post

Clear Recognition of the Way Things Are Read post

Four Special Qualities Read post

Equanimity: Finding Even Ground After Loss Read post

Cultivating Joy Read post

Equanimity Read post

Compassion: When Love Meets Suffering    Read post

Divine Abodes   Read post


Loving Speech and Deep Listening 

Practicing with the Five Hindrances (15:10)